Helping Heroes, Succeed

Maximize the potential of conversational marketing

Our mission is to empower heroes to succeed in their business ventures by operationalizing AI within their Facebook Messenger platforms. With AI Sidekick, enterprises—both small and large—can seamlessly engage with their customers in real-time, 24/7, ensuring timely and efficient responses that drive growth and customer satisfaction.

Tailored AI Solutions

We understand that every business is unique. That’s why we create AI chat applications that are tailored to meet the specific needs of your enterprise. Whether you’re a small business owner or a large organization, our solutions are designed to seamlessly integrate into your operations.

24/7 Customer Engagement

Never miss a customer query again. With AI Sidekick, your business can provide real-time responses to customer inquiries 24/7 through Facebook Messenger. Our intelligent chatbots ensure that your customers receive timely and accurate information, enhancing their experience and boosting satisfaction

Enhance Operational Efficiency

Streamline your operations with AI-powered automation. Our chat applications can handle a variety of tasks, from answering frequently asked questions to processing orders and bookings. This frees up valuable time for your team to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Boost Your Growth

By improving customer engagement and operational efficiency, AI Sidekick helps drive growth for your business. Our solutions are designed to support your journey towards achieving your business goals and scaling new heights.

Key Features

AI Solutions to Elevate Your Customer Engagement

Customizable Chatbots

Our chatbots are fully customizable to match your brand’s voice and style. You can personalize the interactions to reflect your business’s unique personality

Multi-Platform Integration

While we specialize in Facebook Messenger, our AI solutions can also be integrated into other platforms to ensure a cohesive customer experience across all your digital touchpoints.

Data-Driven Insights

Gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences with our data analytics features. Use this information to make informed decisions and optimize your business strategies.

Easy to Use

Our user-friendly interface makes it easy for you to manage and update your AI chat applications. No technical expertise required!

Seamless Facebook Messenger Integration

Our AI solutions integrate perfectly with your Facebook Messenger platform, allowing you to leverage the power of AI without any technical hassle.

Pricing Plans

Flexible Solutions to Fit Every Business Need


Suitable for small businesses
with lower chat volume


per month

  • Word Reply Limit: 100,000 words per month
  • Unlimited Chat inquiries per month
  • Integration with Facebook Messenger
  • Access to a pre-prepared Q&A dataset
  • Real-time chatbot responses

De Luxe

High-volume word capacity suitable
for growing businesses


per month

  • Word Reply Limit: 300,000 words per month
  • Unlimited Chat inquiries per month
  • Integration with Facebook Messenger
  • Access to a pre-prepared Q&A dataset
  • Real-time chatbot responses


Best suited for large businesses or those with high customer interaction rates


per month

  • Word Reply Limit: 3,000,000 words per month
  • Unlimited Chat inquiries per month
  • Integration with Facebook Messenger
  • Access to a pre-prepared Q&A dataset
  • Real-time chatbot responses

Additional services

Comprehensive Support to Maximize Your AI Potential

Custom Q&A Dataset Preparation

Tailor your chatbot’s responses to fit your specific business needs.

Monthly Analytics Report

Gain insights into chatbot interactions to better understand customer queries and improve response effectiveness.

Priority Support

Get prioritized customer support to ensure seamless operation.

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 Get Started Today

Ready to enhance your customer engagement and drive growth with AI? Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how AI Sidekick can empower your business.